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Westminster Confession Westminster Confession
The Westminster Confession of Faith is a subordinate
doctrinal standard of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The other two subordinate
doctrinal standards are the Westminster Larger Catechism and the Westminster
Shorter Catechism. Other denominations hold the Confession and the Larger and
Shorter Catechisms as subordinate doctrinal standards as well, such as
the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). These documents
are subordinate in as much as the ultimate authority is the Bible.
The recommended hard copy Westminster Confession of Faith,
and the official document of the PCA and OPC, is as follows: Including the Larger Catechism and Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proofs, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 2007. Free online versions of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Larger Catechism, and the Shorter Catechism are available, as indicated below. To be redirected to the free online versions, click here. |